User Controller
📄️ Return information about current logged-in user
Return information about current logged-in user
📄️ Create specified user
Allowable only for users with administrator role
📄️ Delete specified users by ids
Delete specified users by ids
📄️ Return information about current logged-in user
Return information about current logged-in user
📄️ Return information about all users
Allowable only for users with administrator role
📄️ Register invitation for user who will be created
Register invitation for user who will be created
📄️ Exports information about all users
Allowable only for users with administrator role
📄️ Change own password
Change own password
📄️ Reset password
Reset password
📄️ Check if a restore password bid exists
Check if a restore password bid exists
📄️ Create a restore password request
Create a restore password request
📄️ getUserBidInfo
📄️ Activate invitation and create user in system
Activate invitation and create user in system
📄️ validateInfo
📄️ findUsers
📄️ Delete specified user
Delete specified user
📄️ Return information about specified user
Only for administrators and profile's owner
📄️ Edit specified user
Only for administrators and profile's owner
📄️ Get List of users Api Keys
Get List of users Api Keys
📄️ Create new Api Key for current user
Create new Api Key for current user
📄️ Delete specified Api Key
Delete specified Api Key
📄️ getUserProjects