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API differences between v4 and v5

New endpoints

Activity controller

GET /v1/{projectName}/activity/{activityId} - Get activity by id.

Dashboard controller

PUT /v1/{projectName}/dashboard/{dashboardId}/{widgetId}} - Add specified widget to dashboard.

DELETE /v1/{projectName}/dashboard/{dashboardId}/{widgetId} - Delete specified widget from dashboard.

Launch controller


Tags from v4 was replaced by attributes in v5. Attribute contains key and value. It may have null key, but non-null value. Attribute with null value is analog for v4 tag.

GET /v1/{projectName}/launch/attribute/keys - Retrieve all unique attribute keys of project launches.

GET /v1/{projectName}/launch/attribute/values - Retrieve all unique attribute values of project launches.

GET /v1/{projectName}/launch/status - Get launches statuses.

GET /v1/{projectName}/launch/uuid/{launchUuid} - Get launch by uuid.


Response from start(create) launch request contains object with key id and string value (example: id="33fa80b9-8ec9-4d52-8cb7-68b7bb4070f1"). It is not physical id in database. It is UUID (virtual id of launch, part of asynchronous reporting implementation). Using request above you can retrieve physical id from database of just reported launch and use it in next queries for items, filters etc.

PUT /v1/{projectName}/launch/info - Bulk update launches attributes and descriptions.

Log controller

New functionality in v5 - nested steps.

GET /v1/{projectName}/log/nested/{parentId} - Get nested steps with logs for the parent test item.

GET /v1/{projectName}/log/uuid/{logUuid} - Get log by uuid.

POST /v1/{projectName}/log/search/{itemId} - Search test items with similar error logs.

Plugin controller

GET /v1/plugin - Get all available plugins.

POST /v1/plugin - Upload new plugin.

PUT /v1/plugin/{pluginId} - update specified plugin.

DELETE /v1/plugin/{pluginId} - delete specified plugin.

Project controller

GET /v1/project/analyzer/status - Get indexing logs status for project.

GET /v1/project/export - Export information about all projects.

GET /v1/project/list - Retrieve info about all projects by filer.

GET /v1/project/names - Get all project names.

GET /v1/project/names/search - Search project names.

GET /v1/project/{projectName}/widget/{widgetCode} - Get project widget by code.

PUT /v1/project/{projectName}/notification - Update project notifications configuration.

PUT /v1/project/{projectName}/preference/{login}/{filterId} - Add specified filter to user preference.

DELETE /v1/project/{projectName}/preference/{login}/{filerId} - Remove specified filter from user preference.

Project setting controller

POST /v1/{projectName}/settings/pattern - Create pattern template for item's log messages pattern analysis.

PUT /v1/{projectName}/settings/pattern/{id} - Update specified pattern template for item's log messages pattern analysis.

DELETE /v1/{projectName}/settings/pattern/{id} - Delete specified pattern template for item's log messages pattern analysis.

Test item controller


Tags from v4 was replaced by attributes in v5.
Attribute contains key and value. It may have null key, but non-null value.
Attribute with null value is analog for v4 tag.

GET /v1/{projectName}/item/attribute/keys - Retrieve all unique attributes keys of specified launch.

GET /v1/{projectName}/item/attribute/keys/all - Retrieve all unique attributes keys of specified launch.

GET /v1/{projectName}/item/attribute/values - Retrieve all unique attributes values of specified launch.

GET /v1/{projectName}/item/ticket/ids - Get tickets that contains a term as a part inside for specified launch.

GET /v1/{projectName}/item/uuid/{itemId} - Get test item by uuid.


Response from start(create) test item request contains object with key id and string value (example: id="1f8233b0-6a2d-4a82-989b-a33463287130"). It is not physical id in database. It is UUID (virtual id of test item, part of asynchronous reporting implementation). Using request above you can retrieve physical id from database of just reported test item and use it in next queries for items, logs etc.

PUT /v1/{projectName}/item/info - Bulk update items attributes and descriptions.

PUT /v1/{projectName}/item/issue/link - Link external issue for specified test items.

PUT /v1/{projectName}/item/issue/unlink - Unlink external issue for specified test items.

User controller

GET /v1/user/export - Export information about all users.

GET /v1/user/registration - Get user bid info.

GET /v1/user/registration/info - Validate user login and/or email.

GET /v1/user/search - Search users by term.

GET /v1/user/{userName}/projects - Retrieve all user projects.

DELETE /v1/user - Delete specified users by ids.

Widget controller

New group of widgets that may have few levels

GET /v1/{projectName}/widget/multilevel/{widgetId} - Get multilevel widget by id.

New controllers

Bug tracking system controller - replacement of external system controller.

GET /v1/bts/{integrationId}/fields-set - Get list of fields required for posting ticket.

GET /v1/bts/{integrationId}/issue_types - Get list of allowable issue types for bug tracking system.

GET /v1/bts/{projectName}/ticket/{ticketId} - Get ticket from the bts integration.

GET /v1/bts/{projectName}/{integrationId}/fields-set - Get list of fields required for posting ticket (project integration).

GET /v1/bts/{projectName}/{integrationId}/issue_types - Get list of allowable issue types for bug tracking system (project integration).

POST - /v1/bts/{projectName}/{integrationId}/ticket - Post ticket to the bts integration.

Integration controller

GET /v1/integration/global/all - Get available global integrations.

GET /v1/integration/global/all/{pluginName} - Get available global integrations for plugin.

GET /v1/integration/project/{projectName}/all - Get available project integrations.

GET /v1/integration/project/{projectName}/all/{pluginName} - Get available project integrations for plugin.

GET /v1/integration/{integrationId} - Get specified global integration by id.

GET /v1/integration/{integrationId}/connection/test - Test connection to the global integration.

GET /v1/integration/{projectName}/{integrationId}/connection/test - Test connection to the integration through the project config.

GET /v1/integration/{projectName}/{integrationId} - Get specified project integration by id.

PUT /v1/integration/{projectName}/{integrationId} - Update specified project integration by id.

PUT /v1/integration/{integrationId} - Update specified global integration by id.

PUT /v1/integration/{projectName}/{integrationId}/{command} - Execute command to the integration instance.

POST /v1/integration/{pluginName} - Create global integration.

POST /v1/integration/{projectName}/{pluginName} - Create project integration instance.

DELETE /v1/integration/all/{type} - Delete all global integrations by type.

DELETE /v1/integration/{projectName}/all/{type} - Delete all project integrations by type.

DELETE /v1/integration/{integrationId} - Delete specified global integration by id.

DELETE /v1/integration/{projectName}/{integrationId} - Delete specified project integration by id.

Launch asynchronous controller

POST /v2/{projectName}/launch - Start launch for specified project.

POST /v2/{projectName}/launch/merge - Merge set of specified launches in common one.

PUT /v2/{projectName}/launch/{launchId}/finish - Finish launch for specified project.

Test item asynchronous controller

POST /v2/{projectName}/item - Start root test item.

POST /v2/{projectName}/item/{parentItem} - Start child test item.

PUT /v2/{projectName}/item/{testItemId} - Finish test item.

Log asynchronous controller

POST /v2/{projectName}/log - Create log.

Differences in reporting

Launch rerun

Rerun developers guide

Nested steps

Nested steps wiki

Launch logs

Create log request contains fields launchUuid and itemUuid. At least one of them should not be null.

"itemUuid": "7f32fb6a-fcc2-4ecb-a4f7-780c559a37ca",
"launchUuid": "6fd4638d-90e2-4f52-a9bd-bf433ebfb0f3"

If they both are present - log will be saved as test item log. If only itemUuid is present - log will be saved as test item log. If only launchUuid is present - log will be saved as launch log.

Java client has static methods for launch log reporting: