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Reporting and metrics in ReportPortal

Test automation reports in ReportPortal

With ReportPortal, you can boost your software quality by obtaining detailed test automation reports to monitor test execution, identify issues, and analyze trends for continuous enhancement.

Summary reportAn overview of test execution: tests run, passed, and failed.Overall statistics

Launches table

Passing rate summary
Detailed test case reportSpecific details about individual test cases: status (Passed/Failed), execution time, and associated issues/errors.Most failed test-cases table (TOP-50)

Flaky test cases table (TOP-50)

Unique bugs table
Trend analysis reportThe trends in test results over time.Most failed test-cases table (TOP-50)

Flaky test cases table (TOP-50)

Failed cases trend chart

Passing rate summary
Failure analysis reportThe failed test cases and their details.Most failed test-cases table (TOP-50)

Flaky test cases table (TOP-50)

Failed cases trend chart

Most popular pattern table (TOP-20)
Execution history reportThe historical data of test runs.Passing rate summary

Launches duration chart

Investigated percentage of launches

Test-cases growth trend chart

QA and test automation metrics in ReportPortal

ReportPortal provides various metrics for improving quality assurance and the overall effectiveness of the testing process.

Passed/Failed ratesThe percentage of test cases that are passing or failing during test execution.Passing rate per launch

Passing rate summary

Launch statistics chart

Overall statistics

Launch execution and issue statistic
Execution timeThe time it takes to execute test suites or individual test cases.Launches duration chart

Most time-consuming test cases widget (TOP-20)
Defect densityThe number of defects found per unit of code or test case provides a quantitative perspective on the software quality of a given system under test.Component health check
Test case success rateThe percentage of successful test cases out of the total executed highlights the reliability of the test.Passing rate per launch

Passing rate summary

Launch statistics chart

Overall statistics

Launch execution and issue statistic
Regression test effectivenessThe capability of regression tests to detect new defects or issues.Overall statistics, with special defect type for issues found in regression.

Unique bugs table, with special defect type for issues found in regression.
Error/failure distributionThe frequency and distribution of test failures across defined components or modules within a given system under test.Component health check