Explore pricing packages for our accelerators

is a language agnostic proxy solution which enables self-healing capabilities by means of ML for selenium-based test cases aimed at minimization of UI fluctuations
Yearly (Save 5%)
Open Source
25ProfessionalService Points
$2,850 / month
60ProfessionalService Points
$5,700 / month
160ProfessionalService Points
$12,825 / month

Indicative Professional Service Point utilization

Our team will provide services in support of Client's use of Healenium plugin. Such services will vary based on Client's needs. The table below describes the different support services we customarily provide
8 hours
56 hours
112 hours
  • Responding to Healenium support Questions
  • Updating of Healenium and supporting libraries
  • Integration of Healenium with CI/CD Pipelines
  • Team Training and Webinars
  • Healenium Custom Development Services
Subscription plan Professional Service Points are accumulated monthly and last depending on the plan selected.More details in FAQ
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Professional Service Points

A Professional Service Point is a blended hour included into your subscription plan, which may consist of the time of various specialists, whether it is the time of a business analyst, architect, lead automation engineer, DevOps (System Engineer) or performance engineer.

It can be used for various purposes related to ReportPortal installation, configuration, integration, customization, feature implementation, TAF updates, test case implementation, etc.

Open source
Pack. 25
Pack. 60
Pack. 160
25 points
60 points
160 points

Frequently asked questions

What is the validity period for Professional Service Points?
The Professional Service Points included into the subscription plan are accumulated on a monthly basis and are valid for the payment term only. If quarterly payment option is chosen, no more than 3 monthly amounts of Professional Service Points can be accumulated or used prospectively; if yearly payment option is chosen, up to 12 monthly amounts of Professional Service Points can be accumulated or used prospectively.