The Analysis section in ReportPortal offers detailed documentation on the powerful features available to help you conduct faster and more efficient test automation results analysis. Learn how to effectively investigate failures, monitor trends, and improve the overall quality, reliability, and performance of your test automation processes using ReportPortal.
ReportPortal provides multiple methods for analyzing test results, including automatic, manual, and immediate analysis options. For instance, features like Pattern Analysis, Unique Error Analysis, and Auto-Analysis are designed to run automatically by default, offering real-time insights into test failures without manual intervention. However, these features can also be triggered manually in case automatic analysis is turned off.
The automated analysis capabilities in ReportPortal are particularly useful for reducing the time spent on defect triage. By automatically categorizing and analyzing test results, our test results reporting service helps you quickly identify recurring issues and potential areas for improvement. This not only saves time but also enhances the accuracy of defect detection.
With Immediate Auto-Analysis and Immediate Pattern Analysis, you can start analyzing failed tests right away, without having to wait for the launch to be completed.
By leveraging these advanced analysis features, ReportPortal helps you optimize your test processes, enhance defect management, and maintain higher standards of software quality.
📄️ Auto-Analysis of launches
The analysis feature of the ReportPortal makes it possible for the application to check and pass part of the routine duties by itself.