Work with reports
📄️ View launches
Viewing information about all launches
📄️ Operations under launches
There are several ways of how launches could be modified and managed in our test automation reporting dashboard.
📄️ Filtering launches
The data tables for the "Launches" and the "Debug" modes can be filtered with
📄️ Launches/test items attributes
For more convenient and effective use of our test report dashboard, we recommend paying attention to attributes.
📄️ System attributes
In the ReportPortal, there is an opportunity to influence specific processes and data processing rules. To this end, ReportPortal supports system attributes. These attributes can be applied to the selected test items and trigger ReportPortal to take certain actions. System attributes are not visible on the UI (for that, the attribute should be sent with system: true).
📄️ Investigation of failure
Set defect type
📄️ History of launches
Historical trend of executions
📄️ Test case ID
What is it: Test case ID
📄️ Unique ID
(deprecated/ will be replaced by Test Case ID gradually)