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View launches

Viewing information about all launches

A launch is an object in our test automation reporting platform, which contains your data for certain execution. Inside the launches, we have test items, structured in the same way as you have it in your automation.

Launches are present in two modes – the Default mode on the "Launches" tab and the Debug mode on the "Debug" tab.

"Debug" tab

Although both modes share almost the same set of features, the "Debug" mode is considered to be a more private one: it is not visible to the user with the CUSTOMER role and all the filters created there cannot be saved to "Filters". Filters are the base for building a widget, so widget charts are not available for the launches from the "Debug" mode.

"Launches" tab

A typical Launch structure comprises the following elements: Suite > Test > Step > Log.

A suite may hierarchically lie under another suite.

The data in the "Launches" section is present in a table. By default, the user sees all runs.

The "Launches" grid contains the following columns:

Runs (at all launches level)A Launch name or a Suite name or a Class name (depends on a drill-down level)
Start timeA launch start time in the "time ago" format (e.g. "10 minutes ago"); on mouse hover the system displays the accurate start time
DurationThe launch duration. For launches in progress remaining time is shown
TotalThe total number of issues. It is a sum of all items with the Passed, Failed, Skipped and Interrupted statuses
PassedThe total number of issues that were completed with the Passed status.
FailedThe total number of issues that were completed with the Failed status.
SkippedThe total number of issues that were completed with the Skipped status. Any ReportPortal user can investigate failed and skipped issues with one of the following values: Product Bug, Automation Bug, System Issue
Product BugThis type of issue is selected manually if it's a product issue
Auto BugThis type of issue is selected manually if it's an automation test issue
System IssueThis type of issue is selected manually if it's a system bug
To investigateThe total number of Failed and Skipped issues left to investigate

Viewing all launches / latest launches

You have two options to browse all project launches. By default, the system displays all launches of the project in one list in order of start time.

Also, you have the possibility to optimize this list. If you choose ‘Latest Launches’ option from the drop-down list (All Launches\ Latest Launches) at the top of the page, it will allow you to roll up the list to latest launches only.

In other words, when that option is turned on, you will see on a launches view only launches with unique names with the last increment (#number).

For example, there are launches with names ‘Demo#1’, ‘Demo#2’, ‘Demo#3’ on a launches view. If you choose ‘Latest Launches’ option, the system will display ‘Demo#3’ launch only.

In a Latest Launches view you may perform any regular actions: add a filter, perform actions from Actions menu, edit attributes, and edit the description.

Viewing launch statistics

The data in the "Launches" table is present as links in the following columns:

Launch nameThis link gives an opportunity to drill down to a specific launch
TotalThis link takes you to the Test Cases view and shows all test cases within the launch in one table
PassedThis link takes you to the Test Cases view and shows all passed test cases within the launch in one table
FailedThis link takes you to the Test Cases view and shows all failed test cases within the launch in one table
SkippedThis link takes you to the Test Cases view and shows all skipped test cases within the launch in one table
Product BugThis link takes you to the Test Cases view and shows all failed test cases marked as "Product Bugs" in the launch in one table
Automation Bugthis link takes you to the Test Cases view and shows all failed test cases marked as "Automation Bugs" in the launch in one table
System IssueThis link takes you to the Test Cases view and shows all failed test cases marked as "System Issues" in the launch in one table
To InvestigateThis link takes you to the Test Cases view and shows all failed test cases with no selected defect type (marked as "To Investigate") in the launch in one table

To drill down your structure, click the name of an item or numbers in the columns (Total, Passed, Failed, etc.), which will open the items, filtered by the column criteria.

"To investigate" number - represents the number of items, which should be review in this particular run. This value incorporates all the failed test cases and failed preparation methods.

Why the sum of the values is not equal?

Total, Passed, Failed and Skipped columns counted in TEST CASES.

Product Bug (PB), Automation Bug (AB), System Issue (SI), To investigate (TI) columns counted in TEST ITEMS.

The hierarchy is as follows: Test Item > Test Case. Test items can be marked with @Test Case annotation.

Test item includes: all preparation methods (all Before and After methods), system methods, test cases.

Test case is just a single test case.

The values in the Total column: Total = Passed + Failed + Skipped.

PB + AB + SI + TI = Failed_Test_Cases + Skipped_Test_Cases + other_FAILED_methods

You can navigate to certain items using clickable values and charts with the number of tests items with all statuses available within the system: Total/Passed/Failed/Skipped/Production Bug/Automation Bug/System Issue/To Investigate (list view).

Navigation is provided for both the "Launches" and the "Debug" modes.

The system shows all relevant test cases within the launch in one table, filtered by the column criteria.

The system allows keeping track of your location in the hierarchical launch structure, and navigating back to parent items you went through to get to the current one (breadcrumb link).

Breadcrumbs representation in the system may be different depending on away the child item was reached. In case the child item was reached going through all upper levels sequentially, all the hierarchical elements are reflected in the breadcrumbs.

In case a clickable number was used for navigation, then only the highest level (Launch) and the lowest level (Step) are represented in the breadcrumbs. But log view of any of the last items will have full path in breadcrumbs in brackets.

One more useful feature is collapsing not failed precondition methods. It could be set up on the STEP view of any launch. The switcher is located on the left hand of the Name column header.

Please note that that hidden item will not be visible on the LOG view for 'Next'/'Previous' listing.

Log view

Logs messages

All the related data for the test case (logs, screenshots) will be saved on the Log level. To see a table with log messages, navigate to the lowest level.

Log object has the following levels:

Trace>= 5 000
Debug>= 10 000
Info>= 20 000
Warn>= 30 000
Error>= 40 000
Fatal>= 50 000

You can set a necessary log level using a slider.

The table with log messages is painted in different colors depending on the log type:

red - for failed log steps

green - for log steps with positive validation made

blue - for system messages

Error logs are always highlighted in red. The others are highlighted on mouse hover only.

Logs with Trace, Debug, Error labels are collapsed if the log has more than 5 lines. You can expand the log message clicking on the special "Expand" icon.

You can use a filter to specify the level.

Also, you can use the logs sorting by time, and filtering logs to find a certain message in logs.

Stack trace

On the Log view for the fast redirection to the last 5 error log messages, please click on the tab Stack trace, in this section you can find *5 last error logs".


In case you are interested in logs with attachments only, check the corresponding checkbox.

Click on the file in log opens the preview of the attachment.

The attachments could be rotated on a preview screen if needed.

ReportPortal provides the possibility of preview for such types of attachments as:

  • 'xml',
  • 'javascript',
  • 'json',
  • 'css',
  • 'php'

Other types of attachments will be opened in a new browser tab or downloaded.

The alternative way to view these files is by using the Attachments.

To view data via the Attachments section, perform the following steps:

  1. Open Log view of launch for test items with attachments available

  2. Click 'Attachments' tab

  3. Select the required file by clicking on its thumbnail.

  4. To expand the area, click the view on the main box.

Items details

In the section Items details, you can find information about test case such as:

  • Test Case name
  • Test case status
  • Test case start time
  • Duration and duration fluctuation
  • Description
  • Parameters
  • Attributes
  • Code location (that can be easily copied by a user)

History of actions

In this section, you can find all activities which were performed under the test case such as:

  • user changed defect type of test item
  • user posted a comment to the test item
  • user posted a bug to the Bug Tracking System
  • user-added link to the existing in Bug Tracking System bug.
  • analyzer changed defect type of test item based on the item (where "item" is a link to a log view of an item which has been chosen by the analyzer as the most relevant result)
  • analyzer posted a comment to the test item
  • analyzer posted a bug to the Bug Tracking System or added a link to the existing in Bug Tracking System issue.
  • pattern analysis add a found pattern

History of actions is not shown if nobody performed actions with the item. By default, you will see the last action in one line.

Markdown mode on Logs view

You can view logs in Markdown mode or in the Console view.

To enable Markdown mode, please perform actions:

  • Click on "M" button on the log level

To disable Markdown mode, please perform actions:

  • Click on "M" button on log level one more time

The same logic applies to the Console view.

Log view for containers (for a launch or a suite)

A user can report logs not only to the test execution but also to containers:

  • Launch
  • Suite

If user want to view attached logs:

  • Login ReportPortal
  • Click on a launch name, or a suite name
  • Click on Log tab

Nested Steps

Retried test case (retry)

How can I report retry items In case you implemented a retry logic for your tests in a test framework, ReportPortal will reflect it by adding a special retry structure. If there were a few invocations of the one test case, all these invocations will be shown as the one test case in ReportPortal.

On a long view, you can see all logs and all information about all invocations. But in statistics and auto-analysis the ReportPortal will take into account only the last invocation. So that launch statistics will be more accurate.

The defect type can be set for the last invocation only.

On a Launch view, you can see a label, which means that the launch includes retries.

On a step view, you can see the number of invocations and stack trace of each invocation.

On a log view, you can see the number of invocations and logs, attachments of each invocation.