History of launches
Historical trend of executions
The historical trend of executions represents your history view for the list of test items in our test execution dashboard. This feature can help you to find the most unstable test cases in your suites/ launches/ builds.
To see a table of the historical trend of executions, navigate to the "Launches" page and drill down to launch structure/ or launch statistics.
History table based on Test Case Hash
Test case hash is a parameter that is automatically generated based on the Test Case ID (if specified) or the full path to the test.
You can read about the Test Case ID here.
Test Case Hash history
Run ReportPortal without env variable.
History table
Where you can find History table.
Drill down to the Step view (test executions list).
Click the "History" button.
You will see a historical trend in a table.
History trends have the following color scheme:
Red - indicates the launches with failed or interrupted cases
Green - indicates passed launches
Yellow – indicates the launches with several equal test items present within a required level
Grey - indicates the test item with no descendants in this run.
Animated - still without state [in progress]
You can select the depth of history: 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 launches from the "History Depth" drop-down menu.
There are two options for a History table:
- history for all launches
- history for launches with the same name
If your are using History table based on Test Case Hash, you will be able to use both of this options. In case you use a history table based on UID, a history table will show you results in mode: "History for launches with the same name".
History for all launches
If you have configured ReportPortal with TestCase History table. This option is for you.
How you can open a history table with execution from all launches?
- Open All launches tab
- Click on the Launch name/ Total/ Passed/ Failed/ Skipped /Product Bug/ Auto Bug/ System Issues/ To investigate statistics
- Click on the button 'History'
- Choose the option 'All launches' in the drop-down 'BASE'
What information is shown on the table based on Test Case Hash?
On the history table, you can see the first 20 test cases their last 10 (or 3/5/10/15/20/25/30) executions from all launches on the project. Each column on the history table is equaled to a number of the execution.
Let's see an example.
Use case: You have a test suite for the regression. You want to perform regression testing in different environments. For those reasons, you are running your regression suite on macOS, Windows, and Linux. After test runs finish, you will be able to see on the All launches tab on ReportPortal 3 launches with different names: Regression_MacOS, Regression_Win, Regression_Linux. If you click on the Total statistic for the launch Regression_MacOS and click on the 'History' button, you will see a History table with all test cases in the suite and their 10 last executions from all launches on the project (e.g. from Regression_MacOS, Regression_Win, Regression_Linux)
Test case name Execution #3 Execution #2 Execution #1 Test 1 Passed Failed Passed Test 2 Failed Passed Passed Test 3 Failed Passed Passed When you hover one of the cells on the table, you will be able to see to what launch this execution belongs to.
History table for launches with the same name
If you have configured ReportPortal with TestCase History table. This option is for you.
How you can open a history table with execution launches with the same name?
- Open All launches tab
- Click on the Launch name/ Total/ Passed/ Failed/ Skipped /Product Bug/ Auto Bug/ System Issues/ To investigate statistics
- Click on the button 'History'
- Choose the option 'Launches with the same name' in the drop-down 'BASE'
What information is shown on the table based on Test Case Hash (with option "Launches with the same name"?)
On the history table, you can see the first 20 test cases their last 10 (or 3/5/10/15/20/25/30) executions from only launches with the same name on the project. Each column on the history table is equaled to a number of the execution.
Let's see an example.
Use case: You have a test suite for the regression. You want to perform regression testing in different environments. For those reasons, you are running your regression suite on macOS, Windows, and Linux. After test runs finish, you will be able to see on the All launches tab on ReportPortal 3 launches with different names: Regression_MacOS, Regression_Win, Regression_Linux. If you click on the Total statistic for the launch Regression_MacOS and click on the 'History' button and you choose the option 'Launches with the same name', you will see executions only from launches with name Regression_MacOS.
Test case name Execution #2 Test 1 Passed Test 2 Passed Test 3 Passed
From the History table you will be able to perform the next actions:
- edit items
- edit defect
- post issue
- link / unlink issue
- delete items
For that:
- Hover the cell on the history table
- Click on the checkbox
- Check needed item
- Click on the button 'Action'
- Choose needed action
Compare launch results with the filter
You can add a custom column with the latest filter results to the History table.
Use case: You have a test suite for the regression. You run this suite for different versions (version 1, version2, version 3). When you run tests for the new version you need to find out if new bugs appeared in it in comparison with the previous version. You can create a filter that includes test executions for the previous version (version 2). Then you can open a history table for the launch with results for version 3 and add a custom column with the filter 'Version 2'. The system adds the latest executions from filter 'Version 2' and you will be able to compare the latest results for version 2 and version 3.
Historical line of executions
The historical line of executions represents the statuses of the current test case in history.
You can see the historical line of executions at the Log level. History is shown only for the current item and there are 30 items max in history. You can click on the item in the history and check the results in previous executions, read the comments, find the bugs, posted to this fail. This feature will save you time and help you to understand the reason for your failure.
History line has the following color scheme:
Red - failed or interrupted. Contains a link to a related bug (it has it)
Grey - skipped. Contains a link to a related bug (it has it)
Green - passed. Contains only execution number
Animated - still without state [in progress]
You can mark the current method or case with a defect type, and write a comment using the defect editor block.
To come into a certain execution of an appropriate launch, hit a launch number above the item.
Also on a History line, you can see an "i" label, it means that the item with this label has a defect comment or/and a link to the Bug Tracking System.
History across All launches
By default system shows history across Launches with the same name.
But you can choose option "History across All Launches" and system will show you executions of the test cases which have been executed in launches with different names.
On hover user can find launch name of test and all launch attributes.
Duration fluctuation
If test execution has duration growth in comparison with previous run, the system marks such items with red triangles:
No duration growth - 0 triangles
duration growh from 0 to 20% - 1 triangles
duration growh from 21% - 50% - 2 trianges
duration growh from 51% - 100% - 3 trianges
duration growh from 101% and higher - 4 trianges
Load more History
By default the system shows 12 latest executions. If you need more history you can click on the button "Load more 9 items and the system loaded more executions on history line. Max number of items on History line is 30 executions.
User can move on History line using horizontal scroll.
Test Item actions history
Test Item actions history will show you the history of actions, which have been made to a certain test item. You can see the kind of activity, and who performed it.
The following actions are shown on the history of actions:
user changed defect type of test item
user posted a comment to the test item
user posted a bug to the Bug Tracking System or added a link to the existing in Bug Tracking System issue.
analyzer changed defect type of test item based on the item (where "item" is a link to a log view of an item which has been chosen by Analyzer as the most relevant result)
analyzer posted a comment to the test item
analyzer posted a bug to the Bug Tracking System or added a link to the existing in the Bug Tracking System issue.
To see the history of actions, navigate to a certain child item. By default you will see the last action in one line.
Use spoiler to maximize actions history: