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How to avoid local execution reported into project space

Option 1:

Use a specific attribute for launches, which should represent the state.

Create filters using those attributes. Build widgets and dashboards, based on those attributes.

You can add those additional attributes via the CI command line.

So, only Jenkins will generate launches with those attributes.

Option 2:

Put rp.mode=debug in all files.

For Jenkins executions, overload this param via the command line as rp.mode=default,

so that all local launches will be in debug, all Jenkins – in launches.

Option 3:

Combine option #2 and option #3, in the launch name.

rp.launch=xxx saved in all files.

For Jenkins executions, overload this param via the command line as rp.launch=yyy

The auto-analysis will use only yyy launches for review.

Use filter, based on your yyy name for widgets.

Option 4:

The same like option 2, but with rp.enable=false|true

This will turn off reporting for local launches

Option 5:

Set all users on the project with the Role Operator. This role can’t report data into RP.

Create an internal user for Jenkins executions, set him/her as a PROJECT MANAGER role.

This will make it possible to create launches only for Jenkins users


It is also possible to combine all those options at the same time.