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Quality Gates

The Quality Gates section in ReportPortal is designed to help you maintain high standards of product quality throughout the testing process.


This feature is available in ReportPortal with a managed services subscription.

What are Quality Gates?

Quality Gates are checkpoints that validate and ensure product integrity during software development, allowing you to monitor, control, and manage the entire development lifecycle effectively.

Quality Gate analysis provides capabilities to speed up CI/CD pipeline by sending auto-feedback to your CI/CD tools. ReportPortal assesses the build quality and sends auto feedback to CI/CD.

Quality Gates plugin adds to our continuous testing platform possibilities:

  • to create quality rules based on general test automation KPI: number of executed tests, failure rate, failure of critical components, number of issues in completed tests, number of essential issues in the critical parts, new failures & new errors in the build

  • to run Quality Gates analysis for build and view build report that helps to troubleshoot issues in the build

  • to automatically send Quality Gates status to CI/CD.