Upload Quality Gate to ReportPortal
This feature is available in ReportPortal with a managed services subscription.
The default configuration of our continuous testing platform doesn't contain Quality Gate. For adding this feature, you need to receive a link to the .jar file from ReportPortal.
Download the .jar file and upload it to ReportPortal. For that, perform following actions:
- Login ReportPortal as an Admin
- Open
Admin Page > Plugins
- Click on the button
- Add .jar file to the modal
Upload plugin
- And click the button
- Reload page
As soon as the plugin has been added to the ReportPortal, a new Quality Gates tab
will be added to the Project Settings.
On the All launches page, the system adds a label "N/A" to each launch.
A label "N/A"
means that the Quality Gates has not been run for a launch yet.