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All Projects page

Users with the Administrator role have access to the ReportPortal "Administrate" section.

In "Administrate" section you can:

  • Manage projects: create a project, delete a project, update project settings.

  • Manage users: create a user, invite a user to ReportPortal, delete a user, update a user project role, assign a user to projects/unassign a user from projects.

To go to the "Administrate" section, open menu at the bottom of the page and select "Administrate" option.

All existing projects are displayed on the "Projects" page.

For each project, the following information is displayed:

  • Project name - the link to the "Dashboards" page of a project
  • Project type: "Internal" or "Personal"
  • Number of assigned team members
  • Number of launches
  • Last Launch date
  • "See detailed information" button
  • Ellipsis button

By clicking on ellipsis button, a dropdown with the next options appears:

  • Members
  • Settings
  • Assign/Unassign
  • Delete

Administrator has access to a project even if they are not assigned to this project.

By default, projects are sorted by the name in our test automation reporting dashboard.

You can sort projects using the buttons from the "Sort by" section at the top. The sorting can be performed by: Creation date, Name, Members, Launches, Last Launch date, Project Type, Organization.

To find a project quickly, type 3 or more symbols of the project name into the "Search" field.

All Projects page allows:

  • to create a project
  • to update project settings
  • to invite users
  • to view project information
  • to delete a project (except PERSONAL project)

Create projects

To create a project:

  1. Login into the ReportPortal instance as an Administrator.
  2. Open menu at the bottom.
  3. Click the 'Administrate' link.
  4. Select 'Projects' from the left-hand sidebar.
  5. Click the 'Add New Project' button in the right top corner.
  6. Then enter a name of the project.
  7. Click the 'Add' button.

A confirmation message in the status bar should appear.


The name of the project should contain between 3-256 symbols. It can include Latin and numeric characters, as well as underscores and dashes. The name should be unique and cannot be changed after saving.

An Admin can configure the project settings or leave them as the default. Project members with PROJECT_MANAGER roles are able to set up the project settings. To know how project settings could be updated, go to the Project Settings section.

Modify project settings

To modify project settings please refer to Project Settings

Invite user on "All Projects" page


Depending on the toggle state in Server Settings, the ability to manually invite external users to ReportPortal can be disabled.

To invite a user to a project on "All Projects" page, perform the following steps:

  1. Login into the ReportPortal instance as an Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the "Administrate" section -> "All Projects" page

  3. Click on ellipsis button on the project preview.

  4. Select the "Members" option.

  5. Click on the "Invite User" button.

  6. Enter the email address of the user in case he/she is not present in ReportPortal database or enter his/her login name in the "Login or email" field. In case the user is already available in ReportPortal, his/her name will appear in the suggestion list. If not, the Admin should enter correct email address.

  7. Select an appropriate role in the "Project role" dropdown.

  8. Click on the "Invite" button.

  9. In the case the user is already available in ReportPortal she/he will be assigned to the project. If not, the email with the invitation link will be sent to user email address.

  10. The user will receive an email with the link to the registration page. When the user clicks the link, he/she will see a registration form.

  11. The user needs to fill in the registration form and click the "Register" button to complete the registration.

  12. The user will be assigned to the project that the invitation was sent from, and to "Personal Project" with the PROJECT MANAGER project role.


The link for registration will be active until the user registers in the system for up to, but not exceeding 24 hours.

Detailed project info

  1. Login into ReportPortal instance as Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the "Administrate" section -> "All Projects" page.

  3. Click "See detailed information" button.

  4. View aggregated data of the selected project. Available period options are:

  • last 6 months
  • last 3 months
  • last month.

Delete projects

To delete a project, perform the following steps:

  1. Login into ReportPortal instance as Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the "Administrate" section -> "All Projects" page.

  3. Click on ellipsis button on the project preview.

  4. Click on the "Delete" option. A warning pop-up message will appear.

  5. Click "Delete". The project will be deleted from ReportPortal.


PERSONAL PROJECTS cannot be deleted from the system.

Use Case 1

Situation: We have a small team. Everybody can see everything. We need one dashboard which shows information about the whole project.

Solution: Create one project. Assign all users on the created project. View all types of test cases (UI, API, Unit and so on) on this project. Divide executions by custom filters. Create a dashboard with a widget based on filters.

Pros: You have a dashboard that can combine all results needed for your team. You need to configure only one project.

Cons: All team members can see all results, you can not configure permissions rules.

Use Case 2

Situation: We have a big team with a difficult permission structure and nested streams. Only persons with granted permissions can see results of a certain stream.

Solution: Create separate projects for different streams. Assign users to appropriate projects. Create a dashboard with a widget based on filters for each project.

Pros: Security, only users with granted permission will have access to the data.

Cons: You can not see a single dashboard for several dashboards.