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All Users page

The "All Users" page in "Administrate" section provides the access to see all available users in the our Testops system.

The page provides next information:

  • user's information: login, full name, email address
  • last login date: in 'time ago' format
  • projects on which users are assigned and roles on them
  • Delete button: only Admin is able to delete user from the system

"All Users" page allows:

  • to add and invite new ReportPortal users.
  • to assign users to the projects with any project role.
  • to unassign users from projects.
  • to update project role
  • to delete users from ReportPortal.

ReportPortal allows to create a new user account on the "All Users" page in the "Administration" section.

Add user

To add a user on the "All Users" page, perform the following steps:

  1. Login into ReportPortal instance as Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the "Administrate" section -> "All users" page.

  3. Click on the "Add User" button.

  4. Fill all fields with valid data in the "Add user" form and click on the "Add" button. A new user will be added to the system and assigned to the selected project, and to "Personal Project" with the PROJECT MANAGER project role. Message with authorization data will be sent to the user's email.


This is the only place in the system where an Administrator can be created from. "Project role" is disabled, if Administrator has been selected in the "Account role" field. The "ProjectRole" parameter is not specified for Administrator, the Administrator has full privileges on the project.

Invite user on the "All Users" page

To invite a user on the "All Users" page, perform the following steps:

  1. Login into ReportPortal instance as Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the "Administrate" section -> "All users" page.

  3. Click on the "Invite User" button.

  4. Fill all fields with valid data in the "Invite user" form and click on the "Invite" button. The invitation has been sent. You can copy the link to the invitation from the "Link to invitation" field.

  5. The user will receive an email with the link to the invitation. Registration link will be active until the user registers in the system by this reference, but not more than 24 hours. When the user clicks the link, he/she will see a registration form.

  6. The user needs to fill in the registration form and click the "Register" button to complete the registration. The user will be assigned to the project that was specified by you during the invitation, and to "Personal Project" with the PROJECT MANAGER project role.

Assign user on project

To assign user on the "All Users" page, perform the following steps:

  1. Login into ReportPortal instance as Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the "Administrate" section -> "All Users" page.

  3. Find a user and their projects in the "Projects and roles" column.

  4. Click on the name of any project.

  5. Click "Add project" button.

  6. Fill the name of project.

  7. Select a project role.

  8. Click on the "Tick" button. - The user will be assigned to the project.

Unassign user from the project

To unassign a user from the project, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the "Administrate" section -> "All Users" page.

  2. Find a user and their project in the "Projects and roles" column.

  3. Click on the name of project.

  4. Click on "Cross" icon near the needed project.

  5. Confirm the action. - The user will be unassigned from the project.

Edit user's project role

To edit a user project role on the "All Users" page, perform the following steps:

  1. Login into ReportPortal instance as Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the "Administrate" section -> "All Users" page.

  3. Find a user and their project in the "Projects and roles" column.

  4. Click on the name of project.

  5. Select a new value from the "Project Role" drop-down.

  6. Click on the tick button.

Delete user

To delete a user from ReportPortal, perform the following steps:

  1. Login into ReportPortal instance as Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the "Administrate" section -> "All Users" page.

  3. Select a user and click the "Delete" button.

  4. The warning message will be displayed.

  5. Click the "Delete" button. The user will be deleted from the ReportPortal. All launches and shared data (filters, dashboards and widgets), that the user owns on the projects will be kept in ReportPortal.

Edit user account role

The only space in ReportPortal where user can get the Administrator rights is All Users page.


To give Administrator role for any user, perform the following steps:

  1. Login into the ReportPortal instance as Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the "Administrate" section -> "All Users" page.

  3. Hover over user's name. - "Make admin" button will be displayed.

  4. Click on the "Make admin" button. - A confirmation message will be shown.

  5. Click "Change" button on pop-up window. Account role User will be changed to Administrator. The user account will be marked with "admin" label.

Take away ADMINISTRATOR role

To take away Administrator account role, perform the following steps:

  1. Login into ReportPortal instance as Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the "Administrate" section -> "All Users" page.

  3. Click on the "Admin" button near the user's name.

  4. A confirm message will be shown.

  5. Click "Change" button. Account role "Administrator" will be changed to "User".