📄️ Logback
Using the Logback appender for ReportPortal, developers can collect and send the logs generated by their application to ReportPortal for additional analysis and reporting. Using this appender, developers can configure Logback to send logs directly to ReportPortal, where they can be examined alongside other testing data to understand the behavior of the application and identify any issues.
📄 ️ Log4J
Log4j is one of several Java logging frameworks that provides a flexible and configurable way to capture and manage application logs.
📄️ Rest Assured
The logger intercept and logs all Requests and Responses issued by REST Assured into ReportPortal in Markdown format, including multipart
📄️ Selenide
Selenide step logging listener for ReportPortal. The listener listen for Selenide log events and send them to Report Portal as steps. It has ability to log screenshots and page sources on failure, this is enabled by default. Also, it is possible to attach different types of WebDriver logs on failure.
📄️ OkHttp3
The logger intercept and logs all Requests and Responses issued by OkHttp into ReportPortal in Markdown format, including multipart requests. It recognizes payload types and attach them in corresponding manner: image types will be logged as images with thumbnails, binary types will be logged as entry attachments, text types will be formatted and logged in Markdown code blocks.
📄️ Apache HttpComponents
The logger intercept and logs all Requests and Responses issued by Apache HttpComponents into ReportPortal in Markdown format, including multipart requests. It recognizes payload types and attach them in corresponding manner: image types will be logged as images with thumbnails, binary types will be logged as entry attachments, text types will be formatted and logged in Markdown code blocks.