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Amazon Application Load Balancer Configuration Guide

This article describe how to deploy Amazon Application Load Balancer & NGINX Ingress Controller in Amazon EKS.

Deploy NGINX Ingress Helm Chart with specific configuration

Before get started, ensure NGINX Ingress is not yet deployed on your Amazon EKS cluster.

First, add and update the Bitnami Helm chart repository:

helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update bitnami

Now, deploy the NGINX Ingress controller with the following configuration:

helm install gateway \
--set service.type=NodePort \
--set defaultBackend.enabled=false \
--set service.nodePorts.http="30080" \
--set service.nodePorts.https="30443" \
-n nginx-ingress \
--create-namespace \
bitnami/nginx-ingress-controller \

This will set up the NGINX Ingress controller with NodePort service type, using ports 30080 for HTTP and 30443 for HTTPS. The deployment will be named "gateway" in the "nginx-ingress" namespace.

Request/Import SSL certificate in AWS Certificate Manager


Before requesting the certificate, you probably need to create a domain name in AWS. If you haven't done this before, follow this guide to create a Hosted Zone in Route 53: Creating a public hosted zone

To request a certificate provided by ACM for a domain name:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Certificate Manager console.
  2. Select Request a certificate.
  3. Enter your API's custom domain name, for example,, in the Domain name field.
  4. Optionally, you can add another name to this certificate.
  5. Click Review and request.
  6. Click Confirm and request.
  7. To ensure a valid request, a registered owner of the internet domain must consent to the request before ACM issues the certificate.

To import a certificate into ACM for a domain name, follow the official guide: Getting certificates ready in AWS Certificate Manager.

Create Target Group for NGINX Ingress

After requesting certificate in AWS Certificate Manager, the next step is to create a Target Group to route traffic to your NGINX Ingress controller.

Follow these steps to create a target group:

  1. Sign in to the EC2 console and choose Target Groups at the bottom of the left panel.
  2. Click on Create Target Groups.
  3. Fill in required data:
    • Target type: Instances.
    • Target group name: rp-k8s-tg.
    • Protocol: HTTPS: 30443.
    • IP address type: IPv4.
    • Choose your VPC.
    • Protocol version: HTTP1.
    • Health check protocol: HTTPS.
    • Health check path: /healthz.
  4. Click on Next.
  5. Add your Amazon EKS Nodes as pending.
  6. Create.

This target group will allow you to route traffic to your NGINX Ingress controller efficiently

Create Application Load Balancer form Amazon Console

Now, let's create an Application Load Balancer (ALB) to route traffic to our NGINX Ingress controller:

  1. Open EC2 console and choose Load Balancer at the bottom of the left pane
  2. Click on Create Load Balancer.
  3. Choose Application Load Balancer and click Create.
  4. Fill in required data:
    • Load balancer name: rp-k8s-alb.
    • Scheme: depends on your requirements it may be internet-facing or internal.
    • IP address type: IPv4.
    • Network mapping: Choose your VPC and public subnets if you choose internet-facing or private if you choose internal scheme.
    • Security groups: Choose the Cluster security group that allows traffic from/to the EKS cluster and the security group that allows traffic from the internet or your VPC.
    • Listeners and routing: HTTPS: 443, Forward to the aready created Target group rp-k8s-tg.
    • Secure listener settings: Choose Security policy depends on your requirements.
    • Choose the certificate you requested/imported in ACM.
  5. Click on Create load balancer.

This will create an ALB that routes traffic to the NGINX Ingress controller.

Deploy ReportPortal Helm Chart to Amazon EKS

Before deploying ReportPortal to your Amazon EKS cluster, make sure to update the Ingress Nginx configuration in your values.yaml file as follows:

enable: true
class: nginx

Follow the official guide Deploy ReportPortal with Kubernetes to complete the deployment.