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Upgrading PostgreSQL for ReportPortal v24.2 and later


This guide is intended for users planning to upgrade from Postgres 12 to a newer version, starting with ReportPortal version 24.2.

This guide will walk you through backing up your current PostgreSQL database, removing existing containers and volumes, downloading the latest release, and restoring the PostgreSQL dump.

Step 0: Backup Postgres and Storage

Before proceeding, ensure you have a complete Postgres database and Storage backup.

Step 1: Create a Dump of Database

Run the following command to create a dump of your current PostgreSQL database:

docker exec -t postgres pg_dump -U rpuser -d reportportal > reportportal24_1_postgres12_dump.sql

Step 2: Remove All Containers

Shut down and remove all containers:

docker compose -p reportportal down

Step 3: Remove Postgres Volume

Remove the Postgres volume to ensure a clean state for the new database:

docker volume rm reportportal_postgres

Step 4: Download Latest Release

Fetch the latest docker-compose.yml file to get the most recent version of ReportPortal:

curl -LO

Step 5: Run Postgres Container

Start only the Postgres container to prepare for database restoration:

docker compose -p reportportal up -d postgres

Step 6: Restore Postgres Dump

Restore the database dump into the new Postgres container:

docker exec -i -e PGPASSWORD=rppass postgres psql -U rpuser -d reportportal < reportportal24_1_postgres12_dump.sql > upgrade_db.log 2>&1

Step 7: Run ReportPortal

Bring up all the services for ReportPortal:

docker compose -p reportportal up -d

Final Notes

  • Verify that all services are running correctly using docker ps or checking the logs.
  • Keep the log file upgrade_db.log for any potential troubleshooting.
  • Regular backups are essential. Make sure to have a reliable strategy in place.