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Deploy with Docker

This is the installation guide for Linux, Mac, and Windows.

ReportPortal can be easily deployed using Docker Compose.

Install Docker

Docker is supported by all major Linux distributions, MacOS and Windows.

⚠️ Recomended change resources limits at least 2 CPU 5 GB RAM for Docker Desktop: MAC | Windows | Linux

Deploy ReportPortal with Docker

  1. Download the latest ReportPortal Docker Compose file from here. You can make it by run the following command:
curl -LO

Ensure you override the UAT Service environment variable RP_INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD.

  1. Start the application using the following command:
docker-compose -p reportportal up -d --force-recreate


  • -p reportportal adds project prefix 'reportportal' to all containers
  • up creates and starts containers
  • -d daemon mode
  • --force-recreate Re-creates containers if there any

Useful commands:

  • docker-compose logs shows logs from all containers
  • docker logs <;container_name> shows logs from selected container
  • docker ps -a | grep "reportportal_" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker rm -f Deletes all ReportPortal containers
  • docker-compose down
  1. Open your web browser with an IP address of the deployed environment at port 8080

Use the following login\pass to access:

  • Default User: default\1q2w3e
  • Administrator: superadmin\erebus

⚠️ Please change the admin password for better security

Optional Customisation

  1. Expose Docker Volumes to the file system

Give the right permissions to the OpenSearch data folder using the following commands:

mkdir -p data/opensearch
chmod 775 data/opensearch
chgrp 1000 data/opensearch
  1. PostgreSQL Performance Tuning

Depending on your hardware configuration and the parameters of your system, you can additionally optimize your PostgreSQL performance by adding the following parameters to the "command" option in the Docker compose file:

 -c effective_io_concurrency=
-c shared_buffers=
-c max_connections=
-c effective_cache_size=
-c maintenance_work_mem=
-c random_page_cost=
-c seq_page_cost=
-c min_wal_size=
-c max_wal_size=
-c max_worker_processes=
-c max_parallel_workers_per_gather=

Please choose to set the values of these variables that are right for your system. You can also change the PostgreSQL host by passing a new value to the POSTGRES_SERVER environment variable.

More info can be found at the following link