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In this guide, we will install ReportPortal on Minikube using Helm with ReportPortal's services and the following dependencies:

  • PostgreSQL
  • OpenSearch
  • RabbitMQ

Instead of Minio, we will use a Persistent Volume as a filesystem storage.

Start Minikube

minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 8192 --addons ingress

Set up hostnames

Add the following line to your /etc/hosts file:

echo "$(minikube ip) minikube.local" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Install ReportPortal

Install from Helm repo

helm repo add reportportal && helm repo update reportportal
export SUPERADMIN_PASSWORD=superadmin

helm install reportportal \
reportportal/reportportal \
--set uat.superadminInitPasswd.password=${SUPERADMIN_PASSWORD} \
--set storage.type=filesystem \
--set minio.install=false

If you want to use Minio as a storage:

export SUPERADMIN_PASSWORD=superadmin

helm install reportportal \
reportportal/reportportal \
--set uat.superadminInitPasswd.password=${SUPERADMIN_PASSWORD}

Install from GitHub repo

Call the following commands from the downloaded kubernetes repository.

# Download the chart dependencies
helm dependency build ./reportportal
# Install ReportPortal from ./reportportal/Chart.yaml
export SUPERADMIN_PASSWORD=superadmin

helm install reportportal \
./reportportal \
--set uat.superadminInitPasswd.password=${SUPERADMIN_PASSWORD} \
--set storage.type=filesystem \
--set minio.install=false

If you want to use Minio as a storage:

helm install reportportal \
./reportportal \
--set uat.superadminInitPasswd.password=${SUPERADMIN_PASSWORD}

Access ReportPortal

Open your browser and navigate to http://reportportal.local.

Clean up

helm uninstall reportportal
minikube stop && minikube delete