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ReportPortal pytest Integration

There is an agent to integrate pytest with ReportPortal.

Pytest is a popular testing framework for Python applications. One of its advantages is the ability to run tests automatically without the manual configuration.


To install the pytest plugin, run the following command in the terminal:

    pip install pytest-reportportal

Look through the CONTRIBUTING.rst for contribution guidelines.


Create the configuration file pytest.ini in the root directory of tests, or alternatively, specify one using a pytest command line option:

    py.test -c config.cfg

The pytest.ini file should have next mandatory fields:

  • rp_api_key - value could be found in the User Profile section
  • rp_project - name of project in ReportPortal
  • rp_endpoint - address of ReportPortal Server

Example of pytest.ini:

rp_api_key = fb586627-32be-47dd-93c1-678873458a5f
rp_endpoint =
rp_project = user_personal
rp_launch = AnyLaunchName
rp_launch_attributes = 'PyTest' 'Smoke'
rp_launch_description = 'Smoke test'
rp_ignore_attributes = 'xfail' 'usefixture'
  • The rp_api_key can also be set with the environment variable RP_API_KEY. This will override the value set for rp_api_key in pytest.ini

The following parameters are optional:

  • rp_client_type = SYNC - Type of the under-the-hood ReportPortal client implementation. Possible values: [SYNC, ASYNC_THREAD, ASYNC_BATCHED].
  • rp_launch = AnyLaunchName - launch name (could be overridden by pytest --rp-launch option, default value is 'Pytest Launch').
  • rp_launch_id = xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx - id of the existing launch (the session will not handle the lifecycle of the given launch).
  • rp_launch_attributes = 'PyTest' 'Smoke' 'Env:Python3' - list of attributes for launch.
  • rp_launch_description = 'Smoke test' - launch description (could be overridden by pytest --rp-launch-description option, default value is '').
  • rp_launch_timeout = 86400 - Maximum time to wait for child processes finish, default value: 86400 seconds (1 day).
  • rp_launch_uuid_print = True - Enables printing Launch UUID on test run start. Default False.
  • rp_launch_uuid_print_output = stderr - Launch UUID print output. Default stdout. Possible values: [stderr, stdout].
  • rp_parent_item_id = xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx - id of the existing test item for session to use as parent item for the tests (the session will not handle the lifecycle of the given test item).
  • rp_tests_attributes = 'PyTest' 'Smoke' - list of attributes that will be added for each item in the launch.
  • rp_report_fixtures = False - Enable reporting fixtures as test items. Possible values: [True, False].
  • rp_connect_timeout = 15 - Connection timeout to ReportPortal server. Default value is "10.0".
  • rp_read_timeout = 15 - Response read timeout for ReportPortal connection. Default value is "10.0".
  • rp_log_batch_size = 20 - size of batch log request.
  • rp_log_batch_payload_size = 65000000 - maximum payload size in bytes of async batch log requests.
  • rp_log_level = INFO - The log level that will be reported.
  • rp_log_format = [%(levelname)7s] (%(name)s) %(message)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)s) - Format string to be used for logs sent to the service.
  • rp_ignore_attributes = 'xfail' 'usefixture' - Ignore specified pytest markers.
  • rp_is_skipped_an_issue = False - Treat skipped tests as required investigation. Default True.
  • rp_hierarchy_dirs_level = 0 - Directory starting hierarchy level (from pytest.ini level) (default 0).
  • rp_hierarchy_dirs = True - Enables hierarchy for tests directories, default False. Doesn't support 'xdist' plugin.
  • rp_hierarchy_dir_path_separator - Path separator to display directories in test hierarchy. In case of empty value current system path separator will be used (os.path.sep).
  • rp_hierarchy_code - Enables hierarchy for inner classes and parametrized tests, default False. Doesn't support 'xdist' plugin.
  • rp_hierarchy_test_file - Controls display of test file name in the hierarchy and Item Name, default True.
  • rp_bts_issue_url ={issue_id} - issue URL (issue_id will be filled by parameter from @pytest.mark.issue decorator). Fill this parameter if you want to automatically link failed test with an external issue or put a comment into ReportPortal defect.
  • rp_bts_project = PROJECT - Bug Tracking System Project name to use along with @pytest.mark.issue decorator. Fill this parameter if you want to automatically link failed test with an external issue. Should be the same as in corresponding integration.
  • rp_bts_url = - Bug Tracking System base URL to use along with @pytest.mark.issue decorator. Fill this parameter if you want to automatically link failed test with an external issue. Should be the same as in corresponding integration.
  • rp_issue_id_marks = True - Enables adding marks for issue ids (e.g. "issue:123456").
  • rp_verify_ssl = True - Verify SSL when connecting to the server.
  • rp_mode = DEFAULT - DEBUG or DEFAULT launch mode. DEBUG launches are displayed in a separate tab and not visible to anyone except owner.
  • rp_thread_logging - EXPERIMENTAL - Enables support for reporting logs from threads by patching the builtin Thread class. Use with caution.
  • rp_api_retries = 0 - Amount of retries for performing REST calls to RP server.

If you like to override the above parameters from command line, or from CI environment based on your build, then pass -o "rp_launch_attributes=Smoke Tests" during invocation.


To log the test item flow to ReportPortal, use the Python logging handler provided by the plugin, as shown below:


    import logging
import sys

import pytest

from reportportal_client import RPLogger

def rp_logger():
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
return logger

in tests:

# In this case only INFO messages will be sent to the ReportPortal.
def test_one(rp_logger):"Case1. Step1")
x = "this""x is: %s", x)
assert 'h' in x

# Message with an attachment.
import subprocess
free_memory = subprocess.check_output("free -h".split())
"Case1. Memory consumption",
"name": "free_memory.txt",
"data": free_memory,
"mime": "application/octet-stream",

# This debug message will not be sent to the ReportPortal.
rp_logger.debug("Case1. Debug message")

Plugin can report doc-strings of tests as descriptions:

    def test_one():
Description of the test case which will be sent to ReportPortal

Pytest markers will be attached as attributes to ReportPortal items. In the following example attributes 'linux' and 'win32' will be used:

    import pytest

def test_one():

If you don't want to attach specific markers, list them in rp_ignore_attributes parameter.


To execute a test with ReportPortal, you need to include the '--reportportal' flag:

    py.test ./tests --reportportal

Test issue info

Some pytest marks could be used to specify information about skipped or failed test result.

The following mark fields are used to get information about test issue:

  • issue_id - issue id (or list) in tracking system. This id will be added as comment to test fail result. If URL is specified in pytest ini file (see rp_issue_system_url), id will added as link to tracking system.
  • reason - some comment that will be added to test fail description.
  • issue_type - short name of RP issue type that should be assigned to failed or skipped test.


    @pytest.mark.issue(issue_id="111111", reason="Some bug", issue_type="PB")
def test():
assert False

Send attachment (screenshots)

Screenshots can be added to pytest tests for better debugging and visualization.

Test internal steps, aka "Nested steps"

To implement Nested steps reporting please follow our guide.

Also, there are examples of usage: example 1 and example 2.


If you would like to temporary disable integrations with ReportPortal just deactivate pytest_reportportal plugin with command like:

    py.test -p no:pytest_reportportal ./tests