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User management

After you have created a project, you can invite new members to it.

User with ADMINISTRATOR role and users with project role PROJECT_MANAGER.

Invite user on a project


Depending on the toggle state in Server Settings, the ability to manually invite external users to ReportPortal can be disabled.

To invite a user on the "Project Members" page, perform the following steps:

  1. Login into ReportPortal instance as with the PROJECT_MANAGER project role.
  2. Navigate to the "Project Members" page on the left menu.
  3. Click the "Invite User" tab.
  4. Enter the email address of the user in case he/she is not present in the ReportPortal database or enter his/her login name.
  5. In case the user is already available in the ReportPortal, his/her name will appear in the suggestion list. If not, the Admin should enter the correct email address.
  6. Select an appropriate role.
  7. Then click 'Invite'.
  8. In case the user is already available in ReportPortal she/he will be assigned to the project If not, the letter with an invitation link will be sent to the user email address.
  9. The user will receive an email with the link to the registration. When the user clicks the link, he/she will see a registration form.
  10. The user needs to fill in the registration form and click the "Register" button to complete the registration.
  11. The user will be assigned to the project that the invitation was sent from, and to "Personal Project" with the PROJECT MANAGER project role.

Project role

Every user is given a specific Project role within a specific project.

Depends on the role, the user is able or not able to perform some actions. For more details, please see the "Permissions map".

There are 4 possible Project roles in ReportPortal:


The ADMINISTRATOR has all privileges on the project.

Edit project role

To edit the project role, perform the following steps:

  1. Login into the ReportPortal as a user with PROJECT_MANAGER project role.
  2. Navigate to the "Project Members" page on the left menu.
  3. Select a new value from the "Project Role" drop-down for the user. - The new project role will be automatically saved.

Unassign user from the project

Depending on the project needs the assignment could be removed. To unassign the assignment for the user on the project, perform the following steps:

  1. Login into the ReportPortal as a user with PROJECT_MANAGER project role.
  2. Navigate to the "Project Members" page on the left menu.
  3. Find the required member.
  4. Click the 'Unassign' button for the user.
  5. Confirm the action in the popup.
  6. The user will be unassigned from the current project but will stay in the system.

Invite user, Assign/Unassign internal user to/from the project, change user's role on a project action can be done for a user with a similar and lower role only.


Administrator can also add users to the project.