Launch execution and issue statistic
The Launch Execution and Issue Statistic chart shows the status and issues statistics for the last launch of a specified range.
Widget's parameters:
- Filter: required
Widget view
The widget shows statistics of the last finished launch for the chosen filter. The statistics are divided into the following sections:
- Skipped, Passed, Failed
- Product Bug, System Issue, Automation Bug, No Defect (default and custom) and To Investigate.
The widget contains agenda with statuses, the user can click on a status to remove/add it to the chart.
Tooltip on mouse hover over chart area shows launch details: launch name, number, and duration.
The statistics for every type is shown in percentage. On hover, the exact number is shown for each type.
The widget has clickable sections when you click on a specified section in the widget, the system forwards you to the launch view for the appropriate selection.