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Work with dashboards

Dashboards on our continuous testing platform are special containers, where users can create widgets.

To create and use dashboards, navigate to the "Dashboards" tab.

You can create a dashboard that will be visible on the current project.

Create dashboard

To create a new dashboard, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the "Dashboards" page and click "Add New Dashboard" button in the top right corner of the page.

  2. The "Add New Dashboard" popup will be opened.

  3. Enter a name for a new dashboard. The name should be between 3 to 55 characters long and unique for the user per the project. You can add the description for your dashboard as well.

  4. Click "Add" button. The new dashboard will be created.

Now you can add widgets to the dashboard.

Edit dashboard

To edit a dashboard, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to "All Dashboards" page.

  2. Click the "Edit" icon in the top corner of the dashboard or click the name of the dashboard and click 'Edit' button in the header of the dashboard.

  3. The "Edit Dashboard" popup will be opened.

  4. Make the necessary changes and click "Update" button. The dashboard will be displayed with updates.

Delete dashboard

To remove a dashboard from the project, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the "Delete" button in the top right corner of the dashboard.

  2. Click the "Delete" button on confirmation pop-up.

The dashboard and related widgets will be deleted from the system.