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Passing rate summary

Shows the percentage ratio of Passed test cases to Total test cases including or excluding Skipped ones for set of launches.

Widget's parameters:

  • Filter: At least one filter is required
  • Items: 1-600. The default meaning is 50.
  • Mode: Bar View/Pie View
  • Ratio based on: Total test cases (Passed/Failed/Skipped) / Total test cases excluding Skipped
  • Widget name: any text
  • Description: any text

During the setup process, you can choose whether to consider Skipped items using the radio button.

Passing rate calculation including Skipped items

  • Total test cases = Passed + Not Passed, while Not Passed = Failed + Skipped + Interrupted.
  • Thus, Passing rate = Passed / (Passed + Failed + Skipped + Interrupted).

Passing rate calculation excluding Skipped items

  • Total test cases = Passed +Failed, while Failed= Failed +Interrupted.
  • Thus, Passing rate = Passed / (Passed + Failed + Interrupted).

Please find below an example of configuration:

The widget can be displayed in two options as shown on the pictures below:

Bar View

Pie view

As you can see, this widget was built based on the “Daily Smoke” filter.

An example of Passing rate summary widget including Skipped items:

An example of Passing rate summary widget excluding Skipped items:

The tooltip on mouse hover over chart area shows the number of test cases and ratio of Passed/Not Passed to Total test cases (Passed, Failed, Skipped) or the number of test cases and ratio of Passed/Not Passed to Total test cases excluding Skipped.

The Passing rate summary widget has clickable sections. When you click on not Passed pie/bar element, system redirects to the test item view. If the widget was built with the option “Total test cases (Passed/Failed/Skipped)”, then tests with statuses Failed, Interrupted, Skipped are displayed. If the widget was built with the option “Total test cases excluding Skipped”, then tests with statuses Failed and Interrupted are displayed.

Thanks to “Passing rate summary” widget, it is no longer needed to spend time on calculating Passing rate of the specified set of launches. ReportPortal provides these statistics as a visualization – it is a quick and convenient decision. You can take the screenshot of widget and use it in the test results report.