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Integration with Bitrise CI/CD

This tutorial guides you through the process of integrating ReportPortal with Bitrise CI/CD for Android and iOS projects. We'll use a Bitrise workflow defined in the bitrise.yml file. The workflow includes steps for running application tests, capturing the ReportPortal Launch ID, and implementing a Quality Gate check.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  • A Bitrise account and an Android/iOS project set up on Bitrise.
  • ReportPortal account and a project created.
  • Bitrise bitrise.yml file with necessary configurations.

Bitrise Workflow Overview

The Bitrise workflow for integrating ReportPortal consists of the following key steps:

  1. Activate SSH key (if needed): Required for git authorization.
  2. Git clone: Get your application repository.
  3. AVD Manager (for Andriod): Set up Android Virtual Devices (AVDs).
  4. Run application build and test: Execute JUnit/XCTest tests depending on platform.
  5. Capture Launch ID: Extract the ReportPortal Launch ID from the test execution logs.
  6. Quality Gate: Check the Quality Gate status on ReportPortal using the captured Launch ID.

Configuring Bitrise Workflow

Environment Variables

Set the following environment variables in your Bitrise project:

  • RP_INSTANCE_URL: The URL of your ReportPortal instance.
  • RP_PROJECT: The ReportPortal project name.
  • REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS: Timeout for ReportPortal API requests.
  • SCRIPT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS: Timeout for the entire script execution.

In Secrets section add the following sensitive variable:

  • RP_API_KEY: Your API key from ReportPortal.

Step 1: Activate SSH Key and clone Git repo

Ensure that the SSH key is activated if required for your project. Then you need to clone the repo with your code.

- activate-ssh-key@4:
run_if: '{{getenv "SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY" | ne ""}}'
- git-clone@8: {}

Step 2: AVD Manager (for Andriod)

Set up Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) for testing.

- avd-manager@1: {}

Step 3: Run application build and test

This step will be different depending on which platform you are running the build

Android example:

Execute JUnit tests using Gradle. The test execution logs are captured in ./console.log. Then we are extracting the Launch ID to use it in the next step.

- script@1:
title: Run application build and test
content: |-
# Show AVD devices created in step 2
adb devices

# Run Gradle build
./gradlew junit5:connectedAndroidTest | tee ./console.log

# Extract Launch ID and save to a file
sed -nE 's/.*ReportPortal Launch Link: .*\/([0-9]+).*/export RP_LAUNCH_ID=\1/p' console.log > launch.env
cat launch.env

iOS example:

Execute XCTest tests using xcodebuild. The test execution logs are captured in ./console.log. Then we are extracting the Launch ID to use it in the next step.

- script@1:
title: Run application build and test
content: |-

# Run xcode build
xcodebuild test -project <Your-Project>.xcodeproj | tee ./console.log

# Extract Launch ID and save to a file
sed -nE 's/.*ReportPortal Launch Link: .*\/([0-9]+).*/export RP_LAUNCH_ID=\1/p' console.log > launch.env
cat launch.env

Step 4: Quality Gate

Execute JUnit tests using Gradle. The test execution logs are captured in ./console.log.

- script@1:
content: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Fail the pipeline in case of errors
set -o pipefail

# Get $RP_LAUNCH_ID from launch.env
source launch.env

START_TIME=$(date +%s)

# Loop until quality gate status is obtained or timeout is reached
while [[ -z "$QUALITY_GATE_STATUS" && $(( $(date +%s) - START_TIME )) -lt $SCRIPT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS ]]; do
printf "Waiting for quality gate status...\n"
sleep 10

# Retrieve quality gate status using curl and jq
QUALITY_GATE_STATUS=$(curl -s --retry 3 --max-time "$REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS" -H "Authorization: Bearer $RP_API_KEY" "$RP_INSTANCE_URL/api/v1/$RP_PROJECT/launch/$RP_LAUNCH_ID" | jq -r '.metadata.qualityGate.status // empty')

# Check quality gate status and take appropriate action
if [[ "$QUALITY_GATE_STATUS" != "PASSED" ]]; then
printf "Quality gate status: %s\nFailing the pipeline.\n" "$QUALITY_GATE_STATUS"
exit 1
printf "Quality gate status: %s\nPipeline passed.\n" "$QUALITY_GATE_STATUS"
title: Quality gate


By following this guide, you've integrated ReportPortal with Bitrise CI/CD for Android and iOS projects. The Bitrise workflow ensures that JUnit tests are executed, the ReportPortal Launch ID is captured, and a Quality Gate check is performed.

Please note that the provided bitrise.yml file and configurations are specific to Android projects. Adjustments may be needed for projects in different languages or platforms.