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Integration with CircleCI

This guide will walk you through the process of integrating ReportPortal with CircleCI for Node.js projects. We'll define a job in the .circleci/config.yml file. The job includes steps for application build, running tests, capturing ReportPortal Launch ID, and implementing a Quality Gate check.


Before you start, make sure you have:

  • A CircleCI account and a project set up with a .circleci/config.yml file.
  • A ReportPortal account and a project created.

CircleCI Job Overview

A CircleCI job for integrating ReportPortal includes the following key steps:

  1. Run application build and tests: Execute npm tests.
  2. Capture Launch ID: Extract the ReportPortal Launch ID from the output logs of the test execution.
  3. Quality Gate: Check the Quality Gate status on ReportPortal using the Launch ID captured in Step 2.

Configuring CircleCI pipeline

Environment Variables

Define these environment variables in your CircleCI project settings:

  • RP_INSTANCE_URL: The URL of your ReportPortal instance.
  • RP_PROJECT: The name of your project as it is in ReportPortal.
  • RP_API_KEY: Your API key from ReportPortal.
  • REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS: The timeout duration for ReportPortal API requests.
  • SCRIPT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS: The timeout duration for the entire script execution.

Step 1: Run application build and tests

Update the .circleci/config.yml file in your project to include the build and test job. This job will install npm dependencies, run tests, and capture the ReportPortal Launch ID from the test execution logs.

version: 2.1

- image: node:16
- checkout
- run:
name: "Build and test"
command: |
# Set pipefail option
set +o pipefail
# Install npm dependencies
npm install
# Run npm tests and capture the Launch ID
npm run test | tee ./console.log
LAUNCH_ID=$(sed -nE 's/.*ReportPortal Launch Link: .*\/([0-9]+).*/\1/p' console.log)

Step 2: Quality Gate

Extend the .circleci/config.yml file with the quality gates lifecycle script. This script will wait for the Quality Gate status on ReportPortal using the captured RP_LAUNCH_ID. If the status is not "PASSED," the pipeline fails; otherwise, it passes.

      - run:
name: "Quality gates"
RP_INSTANCE_URL: The URL of your ReportPortal instance.
RP_PROJECT: The name of your project as it is in ReportPortal.
command: |
# Download jq for JSON processing
wget -q -O jq
chmod +x ./jq
cp jq /usr/bin

START_TIME=$(date +%s)

# Loop until quality gate status is obtained or timeout is reached
while [[ -z "$QUALITY_GATE_STATUS" && $(( $(date +%s) - START_TIME )) -lt $SCRIPT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS ]]; do
printf "Launch ID $RP_LAUNCH_ID. Waiting for quality gate status....\n"
sleep 10

# Retrieve quality gate status using curl and jq
QUALITY_GATE_STATUS=$(curl -s --retry 3 --max-time "$REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS" -H "Authorization: Bearer $RP_API_KEY" "$RP_INSTANCE_URL/api/v1/$RP_PROJECT/launch/$RP_LAUNCH_ID" | jq -r '.metadata.qualityGate.status // empty')

# Check quality gate status and take appropriate action
if [[ "$QUALITY_GATE_STATUS" != "PASSED" ]]; then
printf "Quality gate status: %s\nFailing the pipeline.\n" "$QUALITY_GATE_STATUS"
exit 1
printf "Quality gate status: %s\nPipeline passed.\n" "$QUALITY_GATE_STATUS"
- javascript


By following this guide, the integration of your Node.js project with ReportPortal on CircleCI is complete. The .circleci/config.yml file now includes a job to run npm tests, capture the ReportPortal Launch ID, and implement a Quality Gate check. If you're using languages or platforms other than Node.js, you may need to adjust these instructions accordingly.